Saturday, 20 March 2010

Last night

So i fucked rick last night!! we'd gon out for a laff and it was the shittest nite ever. we'd bin dancin for ages wiv these 2 fit as fuk birds, proper leadin us on like. got to leavin and they sed they had boyfrends and fuckd off. so me and rick are standin there pissed wiv no birds and club is closin so i text jody but shes got mark over, probably gettin her brains fucked out. so rick n me went to my place for a few more drinks. we had half a bottle of vodka n rick asks me if i wanna do a double wank. we've done this loadsa times since we were at school. i got on the sofa next to rick and pulled my pants down like him. drink must have done summat 2 me cos i told rick i wanted 2 fuck him. he sed alright if he gets to hav a go on me after. so we fucked each other on the sofa. dont remember that much exept that it was fuckin tite!!